Title: “The Precious Benefits of Faith” Text: Hebrews 11:4-7
Outline: Three Precious Benefits of Faith that Should Encourage Us to Not Throw it Away 1) Receive Righteousness 2) Overcome the Curse 3) Escape Judgment
Questions: 1) Why was Abel's sacrifice accepted as opposed to Cain's?
2) Why can it be said that Cain was the first Pharisee?
3) Why does the author of Hebrews deduce that Enoch had faith?
4) What does it mean that with faith one must believe that God is and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him?
5) How did Noah build the ark by faith?
Afternoon 4 PM: Pastor Brian Onstead
Title: “What is the Faith - Part II: Doctrine of Christ” Text: Jude 3
Lord's Day Labors Nursery Schedule 9-08 SS Lisa/Jackie – AM Service Jackie/Tonya 9-15 SS Brei/Jackie – AM Service Natalie/Venla Greeter Schedule 9-08 Wayne [Front] Mike/Nina [Back] 9-15 Mike/Nina [Front] Doug/Charity [Back] Cleaning Schedule 9-08 Stickerod/Chappell 9-15 Warkentin/Lundvall 9-22 T. Feathers
Wednesday night E-Groups @ 6:30 PM* [“E” encourage, edify, eat, equip - discussion of previous sermon/s and a time of prayer] Cody, 613 River View Drive – 307/899-9111 Powell, 1106 Julie Lane – 307/254-3993 *On Break Until September (watch for announcements as to start dates)