Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM Pastor Brian Onstead
Title: “If You Know These Things, You Will Be Blessed” Text: Hebrews 13:20-25 Outline: Two Closing Remarks that Remind us of What is Important for us to Keep in Mind in Order to Persevere in Christ
1) God's Commitment (vv. 20-21)
2) Saints' Communion (vv. 22-25)
Questions: 1) What is a benediction and what does it do?
2) Why is God called the God of peace?
3) Why does Hebrews say that Jesus was raised by the blood of the eternal covenant?
4) What important truths do we learn about sanctification here?
5) What do we learn from these final verses about how we should be interacting with one another?
Afternoon Worship Service 4 PM Pastor Brian Onstead
Title: Christ's Inauguration Day Text: Psalm 2 Outline: Three Responses Centered on Christ's Inauguration
1) Rebellion (vv. 1-3)
2) Ridicule and Wrath (vv. 4-9)
3) Repentance (vv. 10-12)
Lord's Day Labors Nursery Schedule 02-09 SS Abbie – AM Lisa/Kaitlyn 02-16 SS Abbie/Jackie – AM Jackie/Teri Greeter Schedule 02-09 Steve/Libby [Front] Jaxson/Cassidy [Back]02-16 Jaxson/Cassidy [Front] David/April [Back]Cleaning Schedule 02-09 Roth/Dunnington 02-16 Siggins 02-23 T. Feathers
Wednesday night E-Groups @ 6:30 PM [“E” encourage, edify, eat, equip] - Discussion of previous sermon/s and a time of prayer] Cody, 613 River View Drive – 307/899-9111 Powell, 1106 Julie Lane – 307/254-3993