Sunday School 9am Adult Sunday School: meets in Sanctuary Mrs. Feathers: 3–4 yr. olds Mrs. Hartman & Mrs. Lundvall: K-2nd Mrs. Thomas: 3rd-6th grades Patrick Feathers: 7th-8th grades. 9th-12th: Meets with adult class in sanctuary Order of Service Link
Morning Worship Service 10:30 AM Pastor Brian Onstead Title: Who Are Your Guides? Text: Hebrews 13:7-9 Outline: Three Guides We Should Be Led By for the Good of Our Souls 1) Faithful Ministers (v. 7)
2) Jesus Christ (v. 8)3) Grace (v. 9)
Questions: 1) What does Verse 7 tell us about faithful ministers?
2) Can you think of any faithful ministers from the past or from church history who have encouraged you?
3) What is significant about Jesus Christ being the same?
4) What is the contrast that the author of Hebrews is making in Verse 9? How do we establish this from the text?
5) Discuss what it looks like to be strengthened by grace versus the law?
Afternoon Worship Service 4 PM: Pastor Brian Onstead Title: Our Confidence in Prayer Text: Matthew 6:13 (variant)
Lord's Day Labors Nursery Schedule01-19 SS Abbie/Jackie – AM Kelly/Natalie 01-26 SS Kori/Jackie – AM Rachel/VeraGreeter Schedule 01-19 Austin/Julia [Front] Derrick/Janene [Back] 01-26 Derrick/Janene [Front] Hank/Miriam [Back]Cleaning Schedule 01-19 Onstead/Ryan01-26 Stickerod/Chappell02-02 Warkentin/Lundvall Wednesday night E-Groups meet @ 6:30 PM [The “E” stands for: Encourage, Edify, Equip,& Eat!] Join us for discussion of previous sermons & time of prayer Cody, 613 River View Drive – 307/899-9111 Powell, 1106 Julie Lane – 307/254-3993